Hylyte WaterStations are the perfect fit for any commercial businesses and sites that have a steady stream of foot traffic.
Our Hylyte WaterStations are also monitored for quality and system performance 24/7, so you can rest assured knowing that a reliable and functioning machine will be operating at all times throughout the day and/or during business hours.
Since Hylyte WaterStations are very clean, modern-looking, but also economically-friendly self-service machines, hosting one at your location will not only draw new interest from our diverse customer-base, but will also increase the overall perception and premium-feel of your business.
Hylyte WaterStations are also extremely accessibility-friendly and comply with the U.S. Department of Justice’s regulations for ADA compliant vending machines. A fact that in itself separates our WaterStations from other machines offered by competing water dispensing brands.